Friday, November 30, 2007


I guess this will be the last update we will be hearing from the band regarding their coming album. Just read on to know what to expect from it. (Courtesy of Subsandwich, posted 10/29/07)

"hey kids

the album is finally done! 15 songs. no zaido is not included. but emi might include it as abonus for early copies. thats MIGHT INCLUDE ok. in any case well find a way to realease that song so dont fret.

well try to get it released early next year. now we have to finish the album cover, make thevideo, rehearse the songs and whatnot. still a lot of work but were pretty pleased with the cd. ive been playing the 2nd master this morning. were just waitng for the rest ofthe band's finalchanges or comments. well keep you posted.


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